docDispatcher is a clinical results distribution system that allows clinical applications to subscribe for notifications
when content/results of interest become available. The Dispatcher supports a wide variety of filtering criteria to ensure that an application can fine-tune its
subscription to the subset of the patient record that is relevant to that application, e.g., filters for cardiology reports only, or lab reports only, etc.
docDispatcher brings the power, features and flexibility of Leafsprout's state-of-the-art Document Metadata
Subscription (DSUB) Engine.
Results can be distributed to interested parties as they become available.
Critical findings and non-essential findings can be distributed via separate subscriptions so these findings don't get lost and are followed up in due course.
For imaging applications, subscriptions can be set up at the study level (e.g., new images have arrived) or at the exam level (e.g., new images have arrived or a new report has become available).
Notifications are sent reliably via a transactional database that tracks outstanding message deliveries.
Subscriptions can target the whole patient population or a specific subset. Subsets may be based on MRN issuers (e.g., specific regions), accession issuers (specific RIS or LIS systems), or specific patient MRNs.
Out-of-the-box integration with Leafsprout's Document Registry (docRegistry) and Leafsprout's Master Patient Index (patientRegistry).
Out-of-the-box integration with the Canadian HL7v3 Specs-based Client Registries.
SOAP-based interfaces compliant with the IHE DSUB Standard.
RESTful web interfaces available for simplicity of integration.
Built-in continuous, automated problem detection and monitoring.
Technical details:
- Contact us for more information.