CortexEnterprise is an enterprise imaging platform centered around Leafsprout's Vendor Neutral Archive, vnaPlus. In addition to acting as a modern, multi-tenant medical imaging archive that manages exams, reports and imaging terminology, the platform also includes a web-based image viewer – imageView, and a workflow manager which keeps track of which exams are scheduled, ready to be read, reported, etc.

CortexEnterprise integrates with specialised third-party imaging workstations, thereby offering users a deconstructed PACS solution.

All access to imaging exams is audited and recorded in the included ATNA Audit Repository, Leafsprout's auditTrail.

CortexEnterprise has been designed from the get-go to run in the cloud:

  • public cloud (Amazon and Azure), or
  • private cloud (i.e., a datacenter controlled by the enterprise), or
  • hybrid cloud (some services on prem and some in the cloud) for better performance, reliability, and cost-effectiveness.
The VNA natively supports several types of object storage systems (including AWS S3, Azure Blobs, and Leafsprout's own - objectStore) for high availability and virtually unlimited scalability of the storage subsystem.

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