patientRegistry is the Master Patient Index component of Leafsprout's Digital Health Suite. It acts as the
registrar of patient identifiers and patient demographics pertaining to individuals residing in a given geographic region (e.g., state, province, country),
belonging to the same health organization/system or associated with a set of hospitals/clinics that are sharing information about patients.
The registry automatically reconciles and links different versions of patient demographics and different identifiers
which exist in various hospitals/clinics within the region or in different clinical information systems within an enterprise. For example, the Registry can recognize the fact
that Liz Browne ID=654217 in Hospital A is the same person as Elizabeth Browne ID=33765 in Hospital B, Elizabeth Brown ID=DZ3345 in the EMR System, and Elisabeth Brown ID= 654-L4V in the Clinic.
The result is a clean and trusted index of patient data which contributes to the patient safety, enhances the quality of care and ultimately reduces the cost of healthcare delivery.
Patient cataloging service for an enterprise, group of enterprises or a geographic region.
Automatically generates global identifiers for all managed patients.
Optionally, receives global identifiers and authoritative demographics from an external system like a government database or a health insurer's client database.
Feeds clinical registries, like Leafsprout's docRegistry, or similar external systems, with information about
known patients and any changes to them, e.g., merges, updates, relinking patient records.
Contains a built-in search engine for expediency of fuzzy searches and scalability.
Incorporates a variety of algorithms (e.g., phonetic matching, weight-based matching, Damerau-Levenshtein distancing, and other) for deciding whether two different patients are the same person.
Accepts all standard HL7 character sets in patient identity feeds and queries, including Unicode.
Highly secured, including encryption, node authentication, and auditing that exceed the requirements of the IHE ATNA Profile.
Accompanied by a Web-based administrative tool as well as a Web-based Quality Assurance Manager for manual overrides, reviews and updates of all patient data.
Compliant with the IHE PIX Manager and PDQ Supplier actors.
Supports HL7v2 and HL7v3 messaging as input and output.
Can manage thousands of different Patient Identity Domains.
Provides software notification services to selected clients interested in updates of patient identifiers within a given domain.