docVault is the clinical document storage and archiving component of Leafsprout's Digital Health Suite.
As a fully-featured IHE XDS Document Repository Actor,
docVault accepts clinical documents from a wide range of clinical
information systems (e.g., HIS, RIS, CIS, LIS, PACS), registers the documents in the indexing system (
docRegistry), and securely stores them for future retrievals.
Regional-level scalability. With support for 1024 storage units, a single docVault can serve the needs of a
department/enterprise as well as a regional health network. Multiple instances of docVault can be combined for even greater scalability.
Support for block-level (SAN), file level (NAS), and object-level (Object Storage Systems) storage units.
Co-location of documents in a particular storage unit based on the documents' sources.
This functionality allows for physical separation of documents in the storage layer by department or healthcare facility.
Built-in data replication to configurable number of local or remote storage units (a.k.a. storage replicas). This ensures multiple copies of each object.
Encryption of clinical documents independent of the storage vendor layer encryption.
Optional compression of all content or specific types of content (based on mime type).
Digital signing of all stored content to facilitate detection of data tampering.
Flexible access authorization policies for submitters and consumers of documents.
Comprehensive audit trails generated for all incoming and outgoing requests.
Configurable set of accepted document types (based on mime types).
Online, Offline, Read-only storage unit states to facilitate administration.
Built-in transactional storage manager. docVault will make documents visible to consumers only after they have been successfully registered
in the Document Registry.
Accompanied by a comprehensive web-based administrative tool.